Analysis of 20th Century Nusantara Interpretation (Al-Bayan Interpretation by T.M. Hasby Ash-Shiddieqy)
Tafsir Nusantara, Tafsir Al-Bayan, M. Hasby Ash-Shiddieqy, 20th Century, Indonesian ContextAbstract
Tafsir Al-Bayan, a work of interpretation of the Qur'an produced by a person named M. Hasby Ash-Shiddieqy which was published in 1966 AD. This work is one of the prominent examples of Indonesian tafsir in the 20th century, which seeks to bridge the understanding of Al-Bayan. -Qur'an through the social and cultural realities of Indonesian society. This article will examine the distinctive characteristics of Tafsir Al-Bayan, such as the use of Indonesian that is easy to understand, the emphasis on moral and social values, and the relevance of the message of the Al-Qur'an to the lives of Indonesian people.
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